
Ekologinen siirtymä luonnon monimuotoisuuspolitiikassa : Biodiversiteettiareenan 2021 tulokset

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Ekologinen siirtymä luonnon monimuotoisuuspolitiikassa : Biodiversiteettiareenan 2021 tulokset

The ecological transition refers to systemic changes towards sustainable practices in social, economic and technological systems. It is concerned with structural changes that address the root causes of biodiversity loss, including demographic and social, economic and technological, and institutional and governance factors. The Biodiversity Arena convened by the Ministry of the Environment and organised together with the Aalto University in spring 2021 brought together a large number of experts from different sectors in a series of workshops to discuss the conditions, requirements and impacts related to the ecological transition from Finland’s perspective. At the same time, support material was produced for the preparation of a national strategy and action plan for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. The work was carried out using the transition arena method, in which a vision of a sustainable future as the target is formed, paths of change that lead to the target state are built, and key measures and interactions along these paths are identified.

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