
Tietueen sitaatit


Bartholomew, D., Dylan, B., Bryant, B., Jackson, M., McLean, D., Vincent, G., . . . Righteous Brothers, e. (2019). The great American songbook: Pop/rock era : music and lyrics for 100 classic songs.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Bartholomew, Dave, et al. The Great American Songbook: Pop/rock Era : Music and Lyrics for 100 Classic Songs. 2019.


Bartholomew, Dave, et al. The Great American Songbook: Pop/rock Era : Music and Lyrics for 100 Classic Songs. 2019.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Bartholomew, D., Dylan, B., Bryant, B., Jackson, M., McLean, D., Vincent, G., . . . Righteous Brothers, e. 2019. The great American songbook: Pop/rock era : music and lyrics for 100 classic songs.

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