
Tampereen yliopistosta 2001 valmistuneiden työelämään sijoittuminen

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Tampereen yliopistosta 2001 valmistuneiden työelämään sijoittuminen

Employment Survey of Tampere University Graduates 2001

The survey studied the employment situation of persons who had graduated from the University of Tampere in 2001. Current employment status, employment history and experiences of unemployment after graduation were investigated. Respondents were asked about the nature of their current job and whether the job was commensurate with their qualifications. One topic pertained to respondents' job searching methods. Respondents were also asked which factors were most important in obtaining their current job or, if they were unemployed, which factors may have prevented them from finding employment. Opinions on what skills and abilities their employers value were probed. Background variables included the respondent's gender, region, and information on the degree (degree programme, faculty, field of study, and time of starting studies).

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Tampereen yliopistosta 2001 valmistuneiden työelämään sijoittuminen FSD1240

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