
Nuorten aikuisten avohoidollinen mielenterveyskuntoutus 2010-2012

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Nuorten aikuisten avohoidollinen mielenterveyskuntoutus 2010-2012

Community-based Mental Health Rehabilitation of Young Adults 2010-2012

The series contains qualitative data produced by the research project Client-centeredness in Community-based Mental Health Rehabilitation of Young Adults 2010-2012 . The research focused on outpatient rehabilitation courses for young adults with serious mental health problems. Data archived at FSD contain different kinds of interactions. Some interactions happened 'naturally', that is, they would have taken place anyway (rehabilitation or multiagency team meetings) while other interactions were arranged specifically for the research (client and staff interviews).

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Nuorten aikuisten avohoidollinen mielenterveyskuntoutus 2010-2012 avohoito

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