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Johanson, K. (2012). Chawton Cottage Collection: A book of armchair travels with Jane Austen's characters through words and stiches. Travelling Stitch Sisters.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Johanson, Kirsti. Chawton Cottage Collection: A Book of Armchair Travels with Jane Austen's Characters Through Words and Stiches. Madison, WI: Travelling Stitch Sisters, 2012.


Johanson, Kirsti. Chawton Cottage Collection: A Book of Armchair Travels with Jane Austen's Characters Through Words and Stiches. Travelling Stitch Sisters, 2012.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Johanson, K. 2012. Chawton Cottage Collection: A book of armchair travels with Jane Austen's characters through words and stiches. Madison, WI: Travelling Stitch Sisters.

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