
Record Citations

APA Citation

Dion, e., Baer, B., Ballard, H., Brandt, S., Butterfield, S., DiMucci, D., . . . Dion, l. (1998). Lovers who wander ; So why didn't you do that the first time? Ace Records.

Chicago Style Citation

Dion, esittäjä, et al. Lovers Who Wander ; So Why Didn't You Do That the First Time? London: Ace Records, 1998.

MLA Citation

Dion, esittäjä, et al. Lovers Who Wander ; So Why Didn't You Do That the First Time? Ace Records, 1998.

Harvard Style Citation

Dion, e., Baer, B., Ballard, H., Brandt, S., Butterfield, S., DiMucci, D., . . . Dion, l. 1998. Lovers who wander ; So why didn't you do that the first time? London: Ace Records.

Remember to check citations for accuracy before including them in your work.