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Lewis, M., Lewis, M., Simons, S., Marks, G., McNeely, J., Dodgion, J., . . . Lovano, J. (1986). 20 years at The Village Vanguard. Atlantic Recording.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Lewis, Mel, et al. 20 Years at The Village Vanguard. New York: Atlantic Recording, 1986.


Lewis, Mel, et al. 20 Years at The Village Vanguard. Atlantic Recording, 1986.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Lewis, M., Lewis, M., Simons, S., Marks, G., McNeely, J., Dodgion, J., . . . Lovano, J. 1986. 20 years at The Village Vanguard. New York: Atlantic Recording.

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