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Mobley, H., Kelly, W., Mobley, H., Morgan, L., Chambers, P., Persip, C., & Lion, A. (2008). Peckin' time. The Blue Note Label Group.

Chicago-stil citat

Mobley, Hank, Wynton Kelly, Hank Mobley, Lee Morgan, Paul Chambers, Charlie Persip, och Alfred Lion. Peckin' Time. [S.l.]: The Blue Note Label Group, 2008.


Mobley, Hank, et al. Peckin' Time. The Blue Note Label Group, 2008.

Harvard-stil citat

Mobley, H., Kelly, W., Mobley, H., Morgan, L., Chambers, P., Persip, C. & Lion, A. 2008. Peckin' time. [S.l.]: The Blue Note Label Group.

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