
Hänvisningar gällande denna post


4hero, e., Owens, R., Fontana, L., Lemon D, e., Nookie, e., Guy Called Gerald, e., . . . DJ Marky, D. (2010). The kings of drum + bass. BBE Records.

Chicago-stil citat

4hero, esittäjä, et al. The Kings of Drum + Bass. London: BBE Records, 2010.


4hero, esittäjä, et al. The Kings of Drum + Bass. BBE Records, 2010.

Harvard-stil citat

4hero, e., Owens, R., Fontana, L., Lemon D, e., Nookie, e., Guy Called Gerald, e., . . . DJ Marky, D. 2010. The kings of drum + bass. London: BBE Records.

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