
Hänvisningar gällande denna post


Hatfield, B., Mann, B., Weil, C., Maxwell, R., Hatfield, B., Glenn, A., . . . Hatfield, B. (2017). The other brother: A solo anthology 1965-1970. Ace Records.

Chicago-stil citat

Hatfield, Bobby, et al. The Other Brother: A Solo Anthology 1965-1970. London: Ace Records, 2017.


Hatfield, Bobby, et al. The Other Brother: A Solo Anthology 1965-1970. Ace Records, 2017.

Harvard-stil citat

Hatfield, B., Mann, B., Weil, C., Maxwell, R., Hatfield, B., Glenn, A., . . . Hatfield, B. 2017. The other brother: A solo anthology 1965-1970. London: Ace Records.

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