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Howe, T., Robinson, A., Robinson, A., Leonard, T., Redford, A., Fortner, B., . . . Heathcote, B. (2018). Professor Marston and the Wonder Women.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Howe, Tom, Angela Robinson, Angela Robinson, Terry Leonard, Amy Redford, Bryce Fortner, Luke Evans, Rebecca Hall, ja Bella Heathcote. Professor Marston and the Wonder Women. 2018.


Howe, Tom, et al. Professor Marston and the Wonder Women. 2018.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Howe, T., Robinson, A., Robinson, A., Leonard, T., Redford, A., Fortner, B., . . . Heathcote, B. 2018. Professor Marston and the Wonder Women.

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