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Snider, D., Snider, D., Alexander, K., Tailer, D., & Mills, C. (2018). Sick mutha f**kers: Live in the USA. Edel Germany.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Snider, Dee, Dee Snider, Keith Alexander, Derek Tailer, ja Charlie Mills. Sick Mutha F**kers: Live in the USA. [S.l.]: Edel Germany, 2018.


Snider, Dee, et al. Sick Mutha F**kers: Live in the USA. Edel Germany, 2018.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Snider, D., Snider, D., Alexander, K., Tailer, D. & Mills, C. 2018. Sick mutha f**kers: Live in the USA. [S.l.]: Edel Germany.

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