
Emotions in motion - Tunteet Liikkeessä (TuLi)


Emotions in motion - Tunteet Liikkeessä (TuLi)

Depression is a highly prevalent mood disorder which impairs a person’s social skills and quality of life, and affects their ability to recognise and express emotions. Here, we describe the first study to investigate how depression affects expression of emotions perceived in music through spontaneous, expressive body movement. Central to this study is the use of a Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) intervention. Specifically, we investigate how depression and possible co-morbid anxiety affect a person’s ability to express emotions perceived in music through spontaneous movement, regulate their emotions through music and music related movement, and whether DMT can improve these skills in depressed patients. We predict that the DMT intervention will increase the variety of movement characteristics exhibited, including movement dynamics, movement range, and movement-based interaction. Participants (aged 18-60 years), including 30 clinically depressed patients and 30 non-depressed controls, will be tested throughout Spring 2012. Depressed participants will receive 20 sessions of group DMT, and measurements, including psychometric questionnaires (depression, anxiety, alexithymia, emotion regulation, life satisfaction and mood) and motion capture/video data (solo movement improvisations with music, and movement interaction with music), will be taken before and after the intervention. For the controls, measurements will be taken only once. Here, we describe the project, and report on its current status.
