
Digitalisaation vaikutukset journalistiseen sisällöntuotantoon

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Digitalisaation vaikutukset journalistiseen sisällöntuotantoon

Digitalization has been one of the biggest transforming powers in the last decades and it affects all cultural sectors. It has the power to combine existing units into one, creating convergence. Media companies have started to shift their content more and more to digital platforms. This shift has changed the basic principles, content creation and business models of journalism. The goal of this thesis was to find out how digitalization has affected journalistic content creation in print and digital newspapers. The concepts of digitalization, convergence and journalism were also defined. This thesis was done as a literature review, so it is based entirely on previous studies on the subject, combining them into one. It was found on the studies that the effects of digitalization on journalism were multidimensional and wide-ranging. There is new platforms and tools for content creation. This thesis’ emphasis on content creation are on social media, algorithms and paywalls and in their definitions and effects. Social media has transformed former readers from consumer to content creator and has changed the relationship with readers and journalists into more reciprocal. Algorithms have brought their advantages to content creation with making simple tasks automated. Paywalls are media companies’ solution to decreased revenues at the expense of limiting the content.

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