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Virolainen, M., Heikkinen, H. L., Herrera, L. M., Teräs, M., Gougoulakis, P., tutkimuslaitos, K., & Research, F. I. f. E. (2018). Vocational Education and Training Institutions' Collaboration with the World of Work from the Perspective of Actor Networks and Ecosystems of Learning. Premiss.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Virolainen, Maarit, Hannu L.T Heikkinen, Lázaro Moreno Herrera, Marianne Teräs, Petros Gougoulakis, Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos, ja Finnish Institute for Educational Research. Vocational Education and Training Institutions' Collaboration with the World of Work from the Perspective of Actor Networks and Ecosystems of Learning. Premiss, 2018.


Virolainen, Maarit, et al. Vocational Education and Training Institutions' Collaboration with the World of Work from the Perspective of Actor Networks and Ecosystems of Learning. Premiss, 2018.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Virolainen, M., Heikkinen, H. L., Herrera, L. M., Teräs, M., Gougoulakis, P., tutkimuslaitos, K. & Research, F. I. f. E. 2018. Vocational Education and Training Institutions' Collaboration with the World of Work from the Perspective of Actor Networks and Ecosystems of Learning. Premiss.

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