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Youmans, V., Mercer, J., Kaper, B., Gershwin, G., Wayne, M., Brown, N. H., . . . Hammrstein, O. I. (1977). Movie songs of the '30s: Vocal/piano. Big 3 Music.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Youmans, Vincent, et al. Movie Songs of the '30s: Vocal/piano. New York: Big 3 Music, 1977.


Youmans, Vincent, et al. Movie Songs of the '30s: Vocal/piano. Big 3 Music, 1977.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Youmans, V., Mercer, J., Kaper, B., Gershwin, G., Wayne, M., Brown, N. H., . . . Hammrstein, O. I. 1977. Movie songs of the '30s: Vocal/piano. New York: Big 3 Music.

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