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Dillinger, Marley, B., Fame, G., The Upsetters, Grant, R., Perry, L., . . . Thomas, R. (1993). 25 fantastic reggae hits: Vol. 2. Charly Records.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Dillinger, et al. 25 Fantastic Reggae Hits: Vol. 2. Charly Records, 1993.


Dillinger, et al. 25 Fantastic Reggae Hits: Vol. 2. Charly Records, 1993.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Dillinger, Marley, B., Fame, G., The Upsetters, Grant, R., Perry, L., . . . Thomas, R. 1993. 25 fantastic reggae hits: Vol. 2. Charly Records.

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