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Beaton, M. C., & Keith, P. (2009). Agatha Raisin: The wizard of Evesham & the murderous marriage. BBC Audiobooks.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Beaton, M. C., ja Penelope Keith. Agatha Raisin: The Wizard of Evesham & the Murderous Marriage. Bath: BBC Audiobooks, 2009.


Beaton, M. C., ja Penelope Keith. Agatha Raisin: The Wizard of Evesham & the Murderous Marriage. BBC Audiobooks, 2009.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Beaton, M. C. & Keith, P. 2009. Agatha Raisin: The wizard of Evesham & the murderous marriage. Bath: BBC Audiobooks.

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