
Hänvisningar gällande denna post


Meek, J., Miller, G., Miller, B., Broonzy, B. B., Hockridge, E., Lyttleton, H., . . . Mood, e. (2005). Portrait of a genius: The RGM legacy. Sanctuary Records.

Chicago-stil citat

Meek, Joe, et al. Portrait of a Genius: The RGM Legacy. London: Sanctuary Records, 2005.


Meek, Joe, et al. Portrait of a Genius: The RGM Legacy. Sanctuary Records, 2005.

Harvard-stil citat

Meek, J., Miller, G., Miller, B., Broonzy, B. B., Hockridge, E., Lyttleton, H., . . . Mood, e. 2005. Portrait of a genius: The RGM legacy. London: Sanctuary Records.

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