
Tietueen sitaatit


Reed, B. A., Dickens, L. J., O'Brien, M., Burge, T., Magnuson, A., Nichols Family, e., . . . Songcatchers, e. (2007). Always lift him up: A tribute to Blind Alfred Reed. Proper Records.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Reed, Blind Alfred, et al. Always Lift Him Up: A Tribute to Blind Alfred Reed. Pensacola (FL): Proper Records, 2007.


Reed, Blind Alfred, et al. Always Lift Him Up: A Tribute to Blind Alfred Reed. Proper Records, 2007.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Reed, B. A., Dickens, L. J., O'Brien, M., Burge, T., Magnuson, A., Nichols Family, e., . . . Songcatchers, e. 2007. Always lift him up: A tribute to Blind Alfred Reed. Pensacola (FL): Proper Records.

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