
Brand Loyalty In Sports

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Brand Loyalty In Sports

The aim of this study was to show how loyalty of a brand in the sports spectrum can affect that brand in a tremendous way. I also got to know how some followers chose that brand and what makes the brand so special. Why does a supporter choose to follow a brand and remain loyal to this brand? Why do some brands remain successful over the years? How do these brands keep from being re-placed? And lastly, how does a brand impact a life or a lifestyle? All of these questions helped in the aide in answering in depth throughout this study.

This idea stemmed from a strong desire to learn what causes brand loyalty in sports. The theory that I had was that emotion and satisfaction from the brand creates a strong bond with the brand. Looking into separate sports and organizations, I was able to understand different approaches used to garner the loyalty they desired. using the empirical framework thesis I read and visited many resources to reach an outcome.

The findings that came from this research changed from demographic. Using information on sports teams and there structure to capitalize on brand loyalty, and also sports products that want a loyal fol-lowing, it began to unfold what is important. Customer loyalty and the four levels that comprise of it, help define the framework on setting out to capture brand loyalty.

In conclusion, the findings made were close to what I was originally thinking. Emotion plays a large role in attracting and keeping sports loyalty. By appealing to the hearts of the customer, a brand or team can count on reoccurrence. Satisfaction and authenticity drives the brand in positive way to keep loyalty strong. Whether it be a team or a sports clothing brand, both follow a similar set of guidelines and structures to maintain loyalty within their brand.

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