
Future potential of tourism in Bangladesh : a case study of Khaza Travels Ltd

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Future potential of tourism in Bangladesh : a case study of Khaza Travels Ltd

The topic of this thesis examined the potential growth of Bangladesh's tourist business by analysing Khaza Travels Ltd., a prominent company in the travel and tourism field. Evaluation of Khaza Travels Ltd.'s impact on industry trajectory and an understanding of growth-influencing elements were its objectives.

A mixed-methods approach was used in the study to examine Bangladesh's tourist industry. Multiple stakeholders were interviewed, including employees from Khaza Travels Ltd., people of the local community, and government officials. This thesis paper includes surveys and discussions about rising of tourism market, customer choices, economic impacts of tourism in Bangladesh and cultural and social dimensions of tourism. Also, the natural and cultural diversity of Bangladesh have been picturised in theoretical section. Business expansion has been facilitated by government programmes and infrastructure upgrades. An outstanding illustration of how the private sector can be utilised to fulfil this potential is Khaza Travels Ltd.

The study examined obstacles facing Bangladesh's tourist industry, such as safety issues, infrastructure limits, and environmental sustainability, and it made recommendations for sustainable development methods. Additionally, it offered suggestions on how businesses, such as Khaza Travels Ltd., might improve client experiences.

Overall, Bangladesh's tourism potential was thoroughly examined in this thesis, which focuses on Khaza Travels Ltd. It offers useful information on sustainable development to specialists, tourists, and business professionals. The report provides a roadmap for seizing mainly unexplored potential and resolving problems in Bangladesh's international tourism environment, helping the nation reclaim its position in the tourism industry

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