
Maassa maan tavalla : Opas Yhdysvaltoihin työkomennukselle lähteville

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Maassa maan tavalla : Opas Yhdysvaltoihin työkomennukselle lähteville

Still now, travelling to another country is sometimes the only way to take care of businesses. Every once in a while doing a stint is a better option instead of a business trip. A purpose of this thesis is to give information to a reader about preparing for a stint when heading to United States of America for a first time. This guide gives a basic information about USA, country’s culture, business manners and how to communicate with Americans. Going to USA as an expatriate demands careful planning ahead and also expatriate´s whole family needs support. Planning a stint and getting required documents takes relatively lot of bureaucracy, but this won’t become a problem when starting to arrange things well ahead. The United States is a tempting country to work for many Finnish people. It is easy to adjust to USA because the main language is English and people of the country are open minded and easygoing. However, there are many differences between Finnish and American culture, so knowing a few basic facts before travelling abroad, helps to adjust foreign culture easier. This thesis is a qualitative research which goal is to give updated information that has been collected mainly from written sources from the internet, books and magazine articles. The empirical part of this guide forms from the writer’s own personal experiences of the USA. These experiences might offer to a reader some unwritten detailed information of the United States. The assigner of this thesis is Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences.

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