
Tiistairyhmä - jossa voisi yksinäisyyteen käpertynyt ehkä oieta : itsensä yksinäiseksi tunteville ikääntyneille tarkoitetun Ystäväpiiri - yhdessä elämyksiä arkeen -toiminnan pilottikokeilu Jyväskylässä


Tiistairyhmä - jossa voisi yksinäisyyteen käpertynyt ehkä oieta : itsensä yksinäiseksi tunteville ikääntyneille tarkoitetun Ystäväpiiri - yhdessä elämyksiä arkeen -toiminnan pilottikokeilu Jyväskylässä

Tuesdaygroup - where person wrapped in loneliness might straighten : Ystäväpiiri - Yhdessä elämyksiä arkeen -occupation's pilot project for elderly people suffering from loneliness in Jyväskylä

The purpose of Bachelor's Thesis was to carry out Ystäväpiiri - Yhdessä elämyksiä arkeen -occupation's pilot project for elderly people suffering from loneliness in Jyväskylä. Vanhystyön keskusliitto made a Research and Development Project of Geriatric Rehabilitation in 2002 - 2006. Project explored loneliness of elderly people in Finland, frequency and reasons of loneliness and possibilities to relieve loneliness by group occupations. Ystäväpiiri - Yhdessä elämyksiä arkeen was developed based on the research result. It is a psychosocial group rehabilitation model. Model includes education of managing a group. The goal ofYstäväpiiri is to find new friends and easy the feeling of loneliness. First research question was to describe the model in theory, carry it out in practice and report the results. Second research question was to inquire the meaning on group occupations to elderly. Third research question was to examine the function and affect of the model. The research was qualitative. Exploratory means were interview, observation and question. Ystäväpiiri -occupation's pilot project was carry out in Jyväskylä in autumn 2006. The group managing education was in same time. Group included 7 elderly, who participated in the group once in weak for 12 times, 2 hours at the time. The goals were to easy the loneliness of participations and help them to find new friends. One goal was also that the group would become independent so participations could carry out the meetings after research. The question in the end reviled that participations felt their loneliness was relieved and their attitude towards their loneliness became more positive. Participations found friends from each others and they all are willing to continue the meetings independently. Affects of the group were positive in manyways: Wellbeing and capacity became better, social field grow, mood raised and every day life became easier.Research brought new information to Vanhustyön keskusliitto about the function of the model and a new psychosocial rehabilitation model to Jyväskylä's social- and healthcare.
