
Kätilön ja terveydenhoitajan kohtaaminen neuvolapalveluissa sateenkaariperheiden kokemana

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Kätilön ja terveydenhoitajan kohtaaminen neuvolapalveluissa sateenkaariperheiden kokemana

The purpose of this study was to describe rainbow families´ experiences of how midwives and public health nurses encounter them in maternity and child health clinics. In addition, the purpose was to describe the criteria of good encounters according to rainbow families. The aim was to provide new information for midwives and public health nurses in order to develop their competence related to encounters with rainbow families.

A qualitative research method was used in the study. Data collection was carried out by using an essay. The target group was the rainbow families belonging to a certain regional association of the National Association of Rainbow Families called Sateenkaariperheet Ry in Finnish. Essay responses were received from five families. The method of data analysis was datadriven analysis.

The results of the study were similar to those in a previous study on the same topic. The families had mostly good experiences of encounters with midwives or public health nurses in the clinics. However, the results also revealed individual differences in the experiences. According to the results, good encounters with midwives or public health nurses consisted of a variety of issues.

Some phenomena distinguished themselves more than others. The rainbow families highlighted the importance of the following aspects: encountering rainbow families, paying attention to rainbow families, paying unique attention to the whole family, midwives’ or public health nurses’ professional encountering skills, the continuity of the client relationship, data acquisition skills, lack of information as well as the flow of information and, finally, the values guiding midwives’ and public health nurses’ work.

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