
Äänisuunnittelu ja toteutus taideinstallaatioon

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Äänisuunnittelu ja toteutus taideinstallaatioon

This thesis treats and explores the significance of sound at creating the atmosphere of fear and horror. Because fear is a very personal and individual attribute, the thesis will concentrate on things that I personally find scary and sinister. The significance of sound will be handled especially in horror and thriller movies. The thesis will also deal with music, but limit it to the types of music, that are closer to sound effects and ambience than proper music.

The research question is how the sound design effects on the experience of a viewer. This thesis is functional and artistic. The practical part consists of designing and executing the sound for a video installation. The video itself consists of my own art, drawings and paintings. The themes of these works are darkness, mysticism and obscurity. These are things, that the installation should also channel and breathe. The sound design will be produced in a way, that it serves the atmosphere of the works in the most effective way. The aim is to give a living aspect to the art.

Seven different people were invited to watch the installation, and they were asked to share their thoughts and ideas after the installation. The results gathered from the installations show that the significance of sound is huge and it is effective way to manipulate the thoughts and feelings of a viewer.

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