
Uskottavaa dokumenttielokuvaa rakentamassa : Tarkastelun kohteena dokumentaarinen Shoot me! -elokuva

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Uskottavaa dokumenttielokuvaa rakentamassa : Tarkastelun kohteena dokumentaarinen Shoot me! -elokuva

My bachelor’s thesis consists of two parts. The work part is a documentary film called Shoot me!. In my analytical part I aim to investigate different ways of influencing when making a documentary movie from the director’s point of view.

My study focuses on a documentary film called Shoot me! which I directed, filmed and edited. This documentary is about creativity, but also and the threats of creativity. The main character in the documentary is a photographer and graphical designer Harri Tar-vainen. The documentary film Shoot me! was completed in the spring of 2010.

The literature I used for my work is about making documentary films and modes, which I assimilated with the information into my documentary. I studied different stages of making documentary films as well as discussed the directors’ ways of influencing in the production of documentary films.

In my study I found that when making documentary films that aim to influence it is im-portant to make a good plan, succeed in the filming stage and trust your own intuition in the post-production stage.

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