
Improving 3-month Sales Forecasting for the Sales Unit : Proposal of a Sales Forecasting Approach


Improving 3-month Sales Forecasting for the Sales Unit : Proposal of a Sales Forecasting Approach

This thesis focuses on improving the short-term sales forecast process in the case company. The current forecast process is not as accurate as desirable, which can be seen, first, on the company financial side and, secondly, on a sold unit delivery time, which has a direct impact on the customer experience. An improved forecasting approach would help the sales and operations planning team of the case company to further develop a more accurate production planning and more optimized material stocks in order to cope and over-come the current problem.

This study combines qualitative and quantitative data in its analyses, but focuses mainly on qualitative data to analyse the current state of the case organisation. The main data sources of this thesis consist of the key stakeholder interviews, workshops and the case company internal material. The current state analysis looks for the strengths and weaknesses of the current short-term sales forecast process which are then used to find a remedy from best practice and existing knowledge. Relevant tools and ides from existing knowledge and literature's are used to design a conceptual framework which is then used to build a draft proposal.

The outcome of this study is an improved 3-month sales forecasting approach, which consists of recommendations for a new forecast process together with specified actions. By implementing the recommended process and actions, the case company would be able to improve its short term sales forecast accuracy, which will further improve the efficiency of Sales and Operation Planning Process.
