
A constructivist approach to teaching and learning at the degree programme in nursing at Novia university of applied sciences


A constructivist approach to teaching and learning at the degree programme in nursing at Novia university of applied sciences

Novia University of Applied Sciences has adapted a constructivist approach as the overall teaching method. This report outlines how the method is conducted at Degree Programme (DP) in Nursing. The curriculum is presented in the beginning of the report followed by a description of the constructivist approach and how it is incorporated it in the teaching methods and the outline of the curriculum. The report also describes hands-on examples of adapting the constructivist approach in daily teaching methods. The curriculum and the key competences, as they were designed and approved 2011, can be found as an appendix to the report.

YH Novia har valt den konstruktivistiska pedagogiken som gemensam grund för undervisningen. Denna rapport visar hur Degree Programe in Nursing har anammat konstruktivismen som grund för undervisning och också för läroplansutveckling. Rapporten börjar med en kort beskrivning av programmet och fortsätter med en beskrivning av konstruktivismen. Rapporten beskriver också hur vi konkret har anammat den konstruktivistiska pedagogiken i undervisningsmetoder, praxis och läroplansutveckling. Som bilaga till rapporten finns läroplanen, där de allmänna och professionella kompetenserna finns beskrivna. Läroplanen godkändes år 2011.
