
Hajautettu versionhallinta teollisuusrobotiikassa: tutkimus versionhallinnan mahdollisuuksista


Hajautettu versionhallinta teollisuusrobotiikassa: tutkimus versionhallinnan mahdollisuuksista

Distributed version control in industrial robotics is a qualitative research of the possibilities of version control in the field of industrial robotics. The goal of the research was to find out whether version control is used as a method by robot programmers or end users and what experiences and prejudices are related to it. Distributed version control has played a key role in software development. The research problem was to find out, why is version control not as important or prominent in industrial robotics as it is in the field of other programming.

The data was collected via an internet survey conducted between December 2021 and January 2022 using the Webropol survey platform. The survey was sent to seventeen randomly selected technology industry company representatives dealing with industrial robotics in Finland. Twelve company representatives took part in the survey. After background questions there was a question whether the company uses version control. Based on the answer, follow-up questions were asked about the reasons for not using version control or what kind of experiences they have about version control.

The research used the heuristic approach aiming comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. Classification and hermeneutic analysis in the form of a hermeneutic circle were used as methods in the analysis of the data.

According to the survey results version control was at least partially familiar to all participants. The robot brand had no effect on the use of version control. Version control was more commonly used in large and medium-sized companies than in small companies. Almost all version control users felt that work methods are better when version control is used. None of the companies felt that version control was not useful.

One reason for not using version control was that version control is not integrated into the programming environment. Versatile integration between the programming environment and version control is needed. Even those who do not use version control recognize its benefits. Because the use of version control improves working methods, its use is also profitable regarding work productivity. Version control works in industrial robotics and the robot brand does not set any restrictions on the use of version control, except with collaborative robots. The study did not reveal any other clear limiting factors for the use of version control in industrial robotics.
