
Masennuspotilaan psykoedukaatio Etelä-Karjalan keskussairaalan osastolla Ps1

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Masennuspotilaan psykoedukaatio Etelä-Karjalan keskussairaalan osastolla Ps1

The purpose of this thesis is to produce psychoeducative material for group sessions of depression patients and memo content for the group instructor. Ward Ps1 of South Karelia Central Hospital is commencing group sessions of different mental disorders and treatment forms, also including medical treatment. The purpose of the psychoeducational groups is to improve treatment methods, improve patient’s knowledge of their own disorders and also to improve their cooperation and commission with the treatment. The need for this thesis originated from the ward Ps1 of South Karelia Central Hospital.

The source of information for this thesis is gathered from the latest Bachelor of Health Care and Social Services educational material, the database of medical doctors and registered nurses of Terveysportti, Käypähoito and scientific articles and books. The thesis is made as a systematical literature overview and the eventual article will be applicable.

The content of the thesis has been compressed from the gathered material of the treatment of depression patients, also including the memo that the group instructor used to improve the group session. The psychoeducative groups will commence in 2016 and the content will adopt to serve the purpose of the psychoeducational group. The ward also has a need for groups with other mental disorders, so this thesis can be applied as a layout for upcoming groups dealing with other psychoeducational sessions of other mental disorders.

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