
CPAP-laitteen käyttökoulutus Joutsan sairaalan osaston hoitohenkilökunnalle

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CPAP-laitteen käyttökoulutus Joutsan sairaalan osaston hoitohenkilökunnalle

The purpose of this working life based, functional thesis was to produce and organize educational material and a training event, concerning CPAP-devices, to the nursing crew at Joutsa hospital ward. The CPAP-equipment is quite new and usage at the ward has been on a minimum, partly because the equipment has not been familiar before. After a discussion with the Joutsa hospital charge nurse about the subject, the permission to organize a training session for the nursing crew concerning the equipment in question was granted. The written material that was used in the thesis and during the educational training, is based on literature and partly on the Central Finland Hospital´s emergency area quidelines. The permission to use the Respironics® manufacture´s material in this thesis was given. The educational training of CPAP-equipment was organized during three days in August 2015. The times for the training were arranged by the charge nurse. Twenty-two persons participated in the educational training. Two persons could not participate. The theory part of the education was at the hospital´s meeting room and practical part was in the ward´s storage room. The ward´s own CPAP-equipment was used. The trainees got the chance to build and use the CPAP-equipment. They also had the possibility to be in the patient´s role during the practice. Voluntary based, anonymous feedback was collected from the trainees. The results were useful and the feedback was positive. During the training verbal ideas for development were suggested, which implemented when possible. Nursing crew informed the authors after the training, that the level of were CPAP-equipment is now lower and the confidence in using it has improved. This also increases patient safety at the ward.

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