
Mennään mehtään! -Ideoita luontokasvatukseen päiväkodissa

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Mennään mehtään! -Ideoita luontokasvatukseen päiväkodissa

Finnish nature is a diverse and inexhaustible source to learn and experience new things. The purpose of this thesis was to find out how nature can be used in early childhood education. The aim was to create a folder which would include ideas for nature education at a kindergarten. The folder introduces different kind of sporty games and ideas for art moments that can be implemented in the nature. The folder was created in co-operation with Kerimäki kindergar-ten. Activity moments I implemented in autumn 2015. There were all together four activity moments, of which two were sport oriented and two art oriented In the theoretical part of the thesis I studied activities of early childhood education and a variety of early childhood pedagogical methods were studied. In the theoretical part the meaning of sports and art in early childhood education were discussed and specifically different ways to implement nature education in the early childhood education were presented. Further research study could be a folder in which the four seasons and their utilization would be taken into consideration in early childhood education.

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