
Paikkatiedon hyödyntäminen kiinteistöjen kunnossapidossa ja ilmanvaihtokoneiden huoltosuunnitelma


Paikkatiedon hyödyntäminen kiinteistöjen kunnossapidossa ja ilmanvaihtokoneiden huoltosuunnitelma

The purpose of this thesis was to develop buildings maintenance with using a geographical information. In this thesis ground plans were added to ArcGIS Online software. Janitors and other city of Pori employees can go look the ground plans and use them in their daily work. Equipment certificate were created for air supply units, where can find information about air supply units. In this thesis were made a critical analysis to find out most critical parts of air supply unit.

Questionnaire study were made to find out the benefits of added ground plans and find out janitors, knowledge about different condition monitoring methods.

This thesis will give a good basis to develop maintenance more into preventive maintenance.
