
Käsihygienia ja suojakäsineiden käyttö sekä pisaratartunnalta suojautuminen ensihoidossa : Opetusvideot


Käsihygienia ja suojakäsineiden käyttö sekä pisaratartunnalta suojautuminen ensihoidossa : Opetusvideot

First aid care is work done often in demanding circumstances outside hospital. This creates challenges for following hand hygiene and other infection precaution instructions. There may not be the possibility to wash one's hands (when needed) and protective equipment isn't available as easily as in hospital environment.

Good hand hygiene is the responsibility of everyone working in health care services. Following proper hand hygiene instructions can prevent infections related to medical care and decrease costs caused by health care services. By improving hand hygiene it is also possible to prevent infections of employees in health care services and therefore bring savings through decreasing of sick leaves.

As a product of this thesis, two teaching videos were produced for paramedics of North Savo hospital district and for students coming to practice there. The videos present the proper procedure of hand hygiene and implementing drop infection precaution in first aid care. The purpose of these teaching videos was to improve paramedics' knowledge and practices in hand hygiene. The videos are useful for orientating new employees as well as for old employees for revising hand hygiene instructions. The instructions of the videos are intented for nonurgent missions.
