
ParempiOIS : Monialainen yhteistyö avoimessa innovaatioympäristössä

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ParempiOIS : Monialainen yhteistyö avoimessa innovaatioympäristössä

The thesis deals with multidisciplinary cooperation and how it can be supported by means of interior design. The author studied the meaning of multidisciplinary cooperation and approached it through the Medici Effect. The Medici Effect was launched by Frans Johansson; it describes the intersection of different branches and cultures. These intersections provide a great place for new ideas and innovations to emerge. The author contemplated factors that affect one’s creativity and ability to create ideas. Surroundings and spaces were under special scrutiny.

The author studied Open innovation space (OIS) – action at Savonia University of Applied Sciences. OIS means a space where multidisciplinarity, closeness to working life and the student’s active role are highlighted. The aim of the author was to study multidisciplinary cooperation and to create a concept that supports OIS-action and helps interaction between the users of the space. As a result, a space concept was produced that can be adapted to a working place for multidisciplinary project teams. The floor plan is designed in such a way that the users of the space will automatically meet, i. e. different branches continually cross one another. The space concept is introduced to the reader by 3D modelled pictures and texts.

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