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Mattila, J. (2019). Study on Consumer Demand on Electric Cars: The challenges related to battery electric vehicle adoption in Europe and expectations set by the customer base of Škoda Finland.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Mattila, Jari. Study on Consumer Demand on Electric Cars: The Challenges Related to Battery Electric Vehicle Adoption in Europe and Expectations Set by the Customer Base of Škoda Finland. 2019.


Mattila, Jari. Study on Consumer Demand on Electric Cars: The Challenges Related to Battery Electric Vehicle Adoption in Europe and Expectations Set by the Customer Base of Škoda Finland. 2019.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Mattila, J. 2019. Study on Consumer Demand on Electric Cars: The challenges related to battery electric vehicle adoption in Europe and expectations set by the customer base of Škoda Finland.

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