
Eteläpohjalaisten sivutoimiyrittäjien kasvutavoitteet sekä kasvun mahdollisuudet


Eteläpohjalaisten sivutoimiyrittäjien kasvutavoitteet sekä kasvun mahdollisuudet

Growth objectives and growth opportunities of South Ostrobothnian hybrid entrepreneurs

Hybrid entrepreneurship, i.e. part-time entrepreneurship, has become an increasingly significant phenomenon and topic of discussion in both societal and economic spheres. However, research data on part-time entrepreneurs and their firms remains scarce. The main objective of this study was to investigate part-time entrepreneurs’ growth objectives in terms of transition to full-time entrepreneurship and / or general business growth.

Part-time entrepreneurs and their firms are not readily recognizable from available statistics. The Statistics Finland database was used as a starting point for as inclusive a sample as possible of the hybrid entrepreneurs’ firms in South Ostrobothnia. Altogether 3 877 firms with a turnover of 30 000 euros or less were found, and an address was available for 3 179. 478 firms responded to the survey, the response rate being 15.3 %. Of the respondents 249 were part-time entrepreneurs. This screening confirms that a large percentage of firms in the region are very small but, more importantly, also demonstrates that hybrid entrepreneurs form a significant share of the regional enterprise base.

Two thirds of the hybrid entrepreneurs worked for salary. Less than a third were pensioners. For over a half, hybrid entrepreneurship began with a hobby or some similar object of interest. The most important motive for hybrid entrepreneurship has been that it allows self-actualization. The second most important motive has been the additional income from part-time entrepreneurship.

In light of the results it seems that although all the prerequisites for growth, either generally or through transition to full-time entrepreneurship, are largely present for the part-time entrepreneurs, they, and / or the people closest to them, lack the crucial desire for an entrepreneurial career.
