
Kunnossapidon kehittäminen pk-yrityksessä

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Kunnossapidon kehittäminen pk-yrityksessä

The thesis was made in a small and medium size enterprise located in Pirkanmaa. The purpose of this thesis is to describe the methods that have been applied in the client enterprise, and discover possible targets to improve competitivity performance measurements

The theory part of the thesis has been divided to two separate parts, which however support each other. First part of the theory is about lean methods, and the second par is about maintenance methods. The practical part of the thesis handles the issues of the starting point status and the possible future status. The practical part contains examples of the improvement steps taken

The future status of maintenance goals is not yet certain, but the thesis’s purpose is to support its creation. Because of the degree programme’s focus, the thesis has been limited to cover mostly maintenance of electrical apparatuses, and even there the thesis remains on a common level.

The collected maintenance data for this thesis has been removed from published version.

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