
Sairaanhoitajan perehdytys nuorisopsykiatriseen hoitotyöhön

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Sairaanhoitajan perehdytys nuorisopsykiatriseen hoitotyöhön

Adolescent psychiatric nursing has its own specific characteristics. The job description of a psychiatric nurse is different from that of a traditional nurse. When working with young people, the nurse must consider their developmental stages and work closely with the family and other networks. The thesis describes the special features of nursing in adolescent psychiatric nursing and highlights the challenges in the field.

The thesis was carried out as a descriptive literature review. The material was searched from Cinahl, Medic, Springer Link and Andor databases. There were no direct studies on the subject. There have been studies on nurse induction in several different nursing fields, but not in adolescent psychiatry. In the absence of direct research data on this topic, the studies have been divided into studies on induction and adolescent psychiatry. To some extent, these two topics high-light, as separate sections, important issues to be considered in induction.

The results show that there is a wide range of experiences of induction and that there are many ways of doing induction. However, what stands out is the individual attention given to the trainee and the individual nature of the induction process. The studies on adolescent psychiatric nursing showed an increase in referrals and a backlog of cases. There is a serious shortage of staff in the care sector and good induction can help to retain staff in the community.

As a further suggestion, it would be useful to explore the job description of psychiatric nurses and what needs to be considered in this field.

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