
Kokija installaatioteoksen keskiössä : tutkimuskohteena interaktiivinen mediataideteos ja installaatio Play


Kokija installaatioteoksen keskiössä : tutkimuskohteena interaktiivinen mediataideteos ja installaatio Play

In my thesis I investigate the relationship between the viewer and the installation art as well as interactive media art. In addition, I study the definitions and history of media art and interactive media art and its relation to installation art. I also explore the viewers at the center of an art piece and aim to discover how the interactivity appears between the viewer and an art piece in the media art and in the installation art.

I introduce the Play installation, which was conducted by the t2 + r art collective and investigate the experiences of the Play viewers. This is done in the light of the inquiry that I made to the viewers and also in view of the findings I made during the exhibition. Finally I compare the results with the theories concerning the viewer in the installation art and interactive media art.

According to the sources the interest of viewers experiences in contemporary art has increased and this affects, for example the significance and modification in the space of the art exhibitions. Research results from the Play installation shows, that the piece was an experience to the viewers and they felt, that they were inside and part of the piece. These results also confirm the conclusion that the viewer in interactive media art is also the doer. The artist and the viewer will share the art piece.

The findings of this thesis shows that it is challenging to know what happens to the viewer when experiencing art. Thats why one of my conclusions are that the experience of art is private for the viewer. Other notable conclusion in my studies is the difference in the viewer experience between the interactive media art and the traditional visual arts. For example the form of interactivity changes for the viewer, when experiencing interactive media art rather than traditional visual art.
