
Tuontikuljetusten kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen alentamisen mahdollisuudet : case: NCAB Group Finland Oy/Estonia Oü

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Tuontikuljetusten kasvihuonekaasupäästöjen alentamisen mahdollisuudet : case: NCAB Group Finland Oy/Estonia Oü

The topic of this thesis was set in co-operation with employer NCAB Group Finland Oy/Estonia Oü. Target was to calculate employer’s greenhouse gas emissions caused by import cargo from year 2018 and suggest improvements how to reduce these emissions caused. Currently most of the imports are coming from China with air freight. There has been inquiries from employer’s customers about alternative transport methods, and in addition my personal and NCAB’s interest on reducing emissions supported the topical need of this research to be made. The driver above all these interests is the on-going climate crisis.

On this report, before the actual research, I have described the character of the NCAB’s business and its current supply chain, explained the climate change and greenhouse gases in general, and accounted how global passenger and freight transport boosts the climate warming. The research was made with available data on NCAB’s last year’s emissions, and calculations made with EcoTransIT World emission calculator.

While calculating alternative transport methods, I focused on freight between PCB (Printed circuit board) factory located in Jiangmen, Southern China and employer’s warehouse located in Arlanda, Sweden. Expenses has not been considered in this research. I have calculated rail and sea freight scenarios between PCB factory and warehouse - also with scenario that warehouse would be moved from Sweden to Finland. It is basically impossible to abandon air freight totally. Regarding NCAB’s business model, rail freight would be the best alternative to start developing further.

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