
Kirjallisuus ikääntyvien hyvinvoinnin tukena : kirjallisuusaiheinen materiaalipaketti vapaaehtoisille


Kirjallisuus ikääntyvien hyvinvoinnin tukena : kirjallisuusaiheinen materiaalipaketti vapaaehtoisille

Our client for the development project was the SIPPE- project, which is coordinated by Turun Lähimmäispalveluyhdistys ry. The project aims to increase participation and wellbeing and prevent the social exclusion of elderly people. SIPPE- model has two target groups, people over 60 years old who still live at home and the elderly volunteers who are involved with the project. Our most important collaborators were the employers of the SIPPE- project. SIPPE- model was developed as a part of the Promoting Social Inclusion of Elderly through Wellbeing Parties- project during 2015-2017.

The aim of our development project was to create a training material package for volunteers so that they are able to hold literature themed wellbeing parties. It was important to our development process to involve as much as possible the volunteers who were intrested in the literature theme, for example by interviewing them. From the dialogue with volunteers and other collaborators, we created the contents of the training material. We then held two literature themed wellbeing parties to test the material and collected feedback from the participants and the volunteer herself. We used the feedback to further develop the training material.

The result of our development process was training material that contains information about different forms of literature and how consuming literature can enhance your wellbeing, advice on how to hold wellbeing parties and tips for practical exercises. The material received positive feedback from the volunteer who used it for the first time and the participants were enthusiastic about the theme. The development project came together as needed and as a side project we developed a list of tips and advice for new volunteers. Both the training material and the list of tips are useful as the SIPPE- model extends to new cities and new volunteers are trained.
