
Tanssin hyödyntäminen aivoverenkiertohäiriöiden kuntoutuksessa : integroiva kirjallisuuskatsaus

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Tanssin hyödyntäminen aivoverenkiertohäiriöiden kuntoutuksessa : integroiva kirjallisuuskatsaus

Dance, and its use, have been researched among the rehabilitation of various diseases. However, there is only a few evidence-based data of the utilization of dance in stroke rehabilitation. The ability to function can be developed widely with dance practice. Dance has also been an effective way to improve body awareness. The purpose of this integrative review was to discover useful methods for the utilization of dance in the rehabilitation of a stroke, and in such a way simplify its use as a physiotherapists aid.

The electronic search of the literature was conducted from five different databases (PubMed, Cochrane Library, Elsevier (Science Direct), Cinahl & PEDro) and by a manual search. Four research articles and one systematic review were included in this review. There were no randomized controlled trials and no control groups in the studies. Inductive approach was used as a method in data analysis.

Adapted tango, virtual reality-based dance game, and a combination of jazz dance and merengue were used in interventions. Effects of dance interventions on balance, gait and autonomic nervous system modulation were studied. There was perceived positive connections with balance, functional mobility, gait, fear of falling, maximal oxygen consumption, and heart rate variability as a result of the dance interventions. Furthermore, dance training was experienced as an enjoyable activity, and participants were committed and motivated to the interventions.

In conclusion, dance can be a promising training method in different phases of the stroke rehabilitation. Similar positive effects have been noticed regardless of dance genre, and it also seems that no genre is better than the other. Nevertheless, there is a need for high-quality studies of the utilization of dance in stroke rehabilitation.

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