
Kätilöopiskelijoiden eettisen osaamisen tukeminen lapsivuodeosastolla : opiskelijaohjaajien näkökulma

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Kätilöopiskelijoiden eettisen osaamisen tukeminen lapsivuodeosastolla : opiskelijaohjaajien näkökulma

The thesis analyses the support for ethical competence that midwifery students receive on a postnatal ward. The survey was made from the tutoring midwives’ point of view. The aim was to gather information about the ethically challenging situations occurring on a postnatal ward, the midwifery students’ competence for facing stated situations and the tutoring midwives’ resources for supporting the midwifery students. The thesis is part of the Increasing Ethical Competence in Midwifery Education and Practice (INEC) -project. The aim of the project is to discover new conventions for increasing the ethical competence both in practice and theory. The data for the qualitative study was gathered in August 2013. Ten midwives working on a postnatal ward were interviewed individually. It was required that they had performed as midwifery students’ tutors. The findings were analyzed by themes. Midwifery students’ need for ethical competence related support is considered individually. The competence is experienced to enhance as the studies go on. Ethically challenging situations on a postnatal ward are related to the care-giving of the mother and the newborn baby or care-giving associated conflicts. Midwifery student’s own actions, working environment or breaking the professional confidentiality may also require tutor’s support for student’s ethical competence. Midwifery students’ are tutored by discussion, role-modeling and giving the student responsibility and feedback. The thesis gives midwives information about the ethically challenging situations occurring on a postnatal ward and supporting the midwifery students’ ethical competence concerning them. In addition the thesis brings the INEC -project forward.

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