
Nuoren seksuaalisuuden kohtaaminen. : Opaslehtisen tuottaminen 6.-luokkalaisille ja heidän vanhemmilleen.

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Nuoren seksuaalisuuden kohtaaminen. : Opaslehtisen tuottaminen 6.-luokkalaisille ja heidän vanhemmilleen.

The purpose of this practicebased thesis was to make an information leaflet about encountering an adolescent’s sexuality. The leaflet was designed for sixth-graders and their parents in some schools in south-western Lapland. The objective of the thesis was to provide parents with information and the necessary skills to encounter and understand their child’s sexuality. For young students the leaflet provides reliable information about sexuality and its development as well as the physical changes during puberty. The theoretical framework of the thesis defines key concepts such as sexuality and the nine steps of sexuality. The thesis also deals with the physical changes associated with adolescence and puberty. In addition, the thesis examines sex education, which includes encountering and discussing sexuality with adolescents. Information for the study was gathered from literature, databases and online publications.

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