
Skitsofreniaa sairastavien nuorten aikuisten toimijuus: Toimijuuden mahdollisuudet ja rajoitteet


Skitsofreniaa sairastavien nuorten aikuisten toimijuus: Toimijuuden mahdollisuudet ja rajoitteet

In this Master’s thesis, I examine the agency of young adults with schizophrenia. The aim of this thesis is to find out which factors enable and restrict agency. The data consists of twenty-five young adults with schizophrenia. The data has been analysed with using qualitative theory-based content analysis.

Symptoms of schizophrenia cause a significant decrease in functional capacity as well as difficulties in independent daily living, social relationships and functioning in studies and working life. Decreased health and functional capacity may lead to dependence on the help provided by the society, in which case it is necessary to consider whether an individual has the ability, competence and possibilities to make choices and decisions about his or her own life.

Agency often refers to the capacity of an individual to make independent choices and decisions and act on them. However, this paper also looks at agency throughout the opportunities and constraints from the society’s point of view. In this study, the framework of agency is based on Jyrki Jyrkämä’s modality theory, according to which agency consists of social and societal factors, individual, contextual, situational and inner dimensions. Based on this theory agency consists of six modalities, which are: knowing how to do something, being able to do something, wanting to do something, having to do something, feeling and having a possibility to do something.

Based on the results of the analysis of young adults with schizophrenia, the opportunities of agency from an individual perspective consisted of the development of competence and abilities and wanting to develop and act. From societal factor´s perspective agency was enabled by supportive environment as well as positive patient and employee encounters. From individual perspective agency of young adults with schizophrenia was limited by dysfunction and incompetence and negative self-beliefs. Societal factors limiting agency were society’s negative perceptions of the disease, negative patient and employee encounters and the service system’s procedures and economic resources.
