
Konkretisoituva uhka. Ilkka-lehden huumekirjoitukset vuosina 1970-2002


Konkretisoituva uhka. Ilkka-lehden huumekirjoitukset vuosina 1970-2002

Tutkimus käsittelee huumeongelman konstruointia Ilkka-lehden kirjoituksissa vuosina 1970-2002. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten tulkinnat huumeiden käytöstä muotoutuvat ja muuttuvat tutkimusjakson aikana. Näkökulma tutkimuksessa on korostetun maakunnallinen. Tarkoituksena on tarkastella eteläpohjalaista näkökulmaa huumeongelmaan.

Aihetta käsitellään sosiaalisen konstruktionismin näkökulmasta. Tutkimusmetodeina työssä ovat retoriikka ja sisällön analyysi.

Eteläpohjalaisuus huumeongelman tulkintanäkökulmana tarkoittaa aktiivisten toimien korostamista. Huumeongelmaa ei niinkään haluta ymmärtää vaan yhteisöä halutaan suojella. Maakunnalliset perinteet näkyvät vaateiden jyrkkyydessä. Asiat halutaan sanoa suoraan ja selkeästi. Jonkun on myös tehtävä jotain ja lehti antaa tähän oman panoksensa esittelemällä persoonallisia ehdotuksia ongelman ratkaisuksi.

This study deals with the social construction of the drug problem in the articles of the newspaper Ilkka in the years 1970-2002. The purpose of the study is to explore how interpretations of drug use have been formulated and varied during the study period. The drug problem is examined from a regional point of view. The study presents the South Ostrobothnian way of understanding the drug problem. The newspaper Ilkka is a central definer of what the regional outlook on life involves, as it considers itself as a collector and representative of the South Ostrobothnian opinion. The construction of the drug problem in Ilkka´s articles reveals how a region of strong traditions meets and understands a new kind of threat.

The topic is approached from the perspective of social constructionism. Rhetorical analysis and qualitative content analysis are used as the actual research methods to examine the strategies applied by writers seeking to persuade their readers.

The study reveals that interpretations of drug problem has varied during the period studied. In the 1970´s, drug use is primarily understood as a health problem of the drug users. Doctors are the main experts in the issue. The problem is also seen to be related to the structure of society. The shift in the emphasis occurred in the early 1980´s. The police become the main expert in the drug problem and the articles start to stress the needs of society to protect itself from the consequences of drug use. The South Ostrobothnian way to see the world means placing the emphasis on action. Rather than seeking to understand the drug problem, the Ostrobothnians concentrate on protecting society by active measures. The regional traditions are visible in categorical opinions; the writers want to state their purpose clearly and directly. Someone needs to take action, and the newspaper wants to contribute by publishing original suggestions for solving the problem. The interpretations and solutions are derived from traditon, which is seen as the foundation of good life. Responsibility is more important than freedom, and society in jeopardy has the right to protect itself, irrespective of criticism.
