
Käsityön monet merkitykset. Opettajankoulutuksen opiskelijoiden käsityölle antamat merkitykset ja niiden huomioon ottaminen käsityön opetuksessa


Käsityön monet merkitykset. Opettajankoulutuksen opiskelijoiden käsityölle antamat merkitykset ja niiden huomioon ottaminen käsityön opetuksessa

<b>Craft has many meanings. The meanings of craft perceived by the students in teacher education and how they are taken into account in craft teaching</b>

The purpose of the research was to examine the meanings craft makers perceive during craft processes, when they reflect their own activity and the craft product. The study context was Craft Summary course, which took place at the University of Turku, Department of Teacher Education in Rauma 2007 – 2008 and 2008 – 2009. Craft Summary course was included in the basic studies in craft education, either as a minor or major subject, and the research persons were students of that course. The study data consisted of coursework, portfolios and interviews, which were examined by a semiotic content analysis. The research approach is hermeneutical and phenomenological. Its aim is to understand and interpret craft processes experienced by the students and the meanings that they perceive. I set two study questions: what kind of meanings do the students perceive during craft processes and how should these meanings be taken into account in craft teaching?

As a result, the students have been classified into four classes according to the meanings they perceive during craft processes. These four orientation types are: 1) the craft product orientated, 2) the craft skill orientated, 3) the craft tradition orientated and 4) the craft expression orientated. Craftproduct oriented students start their problemsolving process by deciding which product they want to make. For craftskill oriented students the craft process is about demonstrating and developing their own skills. Crafttradition oriented students get their motivation for making a product from fostering craft tradition, for example from the will to learn traditional craft techniques or to learn them by being guided by a person close to them. Craftexpression oriented students relate to the craft process via experiences, founding the process on their own experiences, images, cherishing memories, expressing emotions and building their identity.

The craft meanings are taken into account in craft teaching. These standpoints are classified into five classes 1) the development of craft skill 2) the holistic craft process 3) the making of a concrete craft product, 4) the development of craft experience 5) the versatile contents of the craft subject. This study emphasizes the fact that craft teaching is founded on learning the craft skill. Developing the craft skill involves being able to handle materials suitable to craft, as well as mastering their qualities. Modifying the skill requires craft technology, personal craft skill and quality awareness. A craft product is a concrete outcome of a craft process. A craft process is realized as complete craft, where the maker plans and carries out his design himself. Complete craft acquires various applications depending on the maker. The craft expression refers to the maker’s personal commitment to the process, and the various contents of craft refer to the materials and technologies that the maker uses during the craft process. In addition, the study data shows that the students are committed to the craft process when they have a chance to express important personal issues, such as their life situation and meaningful experiences
