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Miller, J. D. B. (1963). The shape of diplomacy: An inaugural lecture delivered at Canberra on 17 September, 1963. Australian National University.

Chicago-stil citat

Miller, J. D. B. The Shape of Diplomacy: An Inaugural Lecture Delivered at Canberra on 17 September, 1963. Canberra: Australian National University, 1963.


Miller, J. D. B. The Shape of Diplomacy: An Inaugural Lecture Delivered at Canberra on 17 September, 1963. Australian National University, 1963.

Harvard-stil citat

Miller, J. D. B. 1963. The shape of diplomacy: An inaugural lecture delivered at Canberra on 17 September, 1963. Canberra: Australian National University.

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